Respond to Gottfried Helnwein

The image seems to be an artistic image. The image is a close up of a girls face and a man climbing on her face. It is a photoshopped image because it cannot be actually taken. I think the meaning behind this image is the innocence of the world. Everyone at first would see the girl but not really see or notice the man. The man represents the bad and how slowly it increases but not many people notice.

In Gottfried image you see just the girl. The man was not part of the image. The girl seems to be tired and not in a good condition. She has blue-green eyes and blond hair and looks like she is very weak. This photo looks like it is photoshopped. It is a pretty big image and therefore I think that it might have been broken up into pieces. The image might be in a big city meant for everyone to see. It might have been meant to show how children are in trouble and how we need to make out word better.
